Worship Arts

When you hear the word “worship” in church, what comes to mind? Many of us think about worship as simply singing and music, but worship is really much more than that. In traditional worship, we have a word we use to describe the elements of worship (music, creeds, scriptures, prayers, etc.), that word is “liturgy.” Liturgy means the work of the people. A worship service is much more than music, it is God’s people coming together and joining in work that honors God. Worship is obedience to the command of “loving God with your heart, soul, mind, and strength” and “loving your neighbor as yourself.

Music and Arts play a critical role in worship here at Central. Through it, we communicate and express a sense of awe and wonder. God is glorified when we praise together through song and melody. Whether you like to sing, play and instrument, or wish to serve during our worship services, Centra's Music Ministries has a place for you. 

Traditional Worship

8:15 AM Communion - Chapel

This Service will focus on the Sacrament of Communion each week and will feature Traditional Music. Livestream and archived options are available on our website.

10:20 AM - Chapel

This Service features Hymns, Creeds, and Traditional Elements of Worship with music led by our Chancel Choir. A re-broadcast is available on 790 AM - KURM radio at 11:00am.

Chancel Choir

Sing your praise to the Lord… each Wednesday Night at 6:15p in the Choir Room. No audition is required. Come join a loving and warm family of singers! 

The Chancel Choir leads worship during our 10:20 Traditional Services each Sunday and presents special music for both Christmas and Easter times.  It’s a great time to join the choir!  

Handbell Choir

Our Handbell Choir rehearses on Thursdays, in the Chapel, from 5:30-6:30pm.  We would love to welcome additional ringers.  Whether you’ve had experience ringing in the past, or not, please consider joining us for our next rehearsal.    Please contact John if you have any questions.


Here at Central, we’re inviting everyone to help launch a new Acolyte Ministry that includes not only children (ages 7+), but also youth and adults. In our 10:20a worship service we’re asking folks who might be interested in periodically serving by carrying the Cross, lighting candles, and assisting in worship. Being part of the Acolyte Ministry is a small commitment with a big impact.

Audio / Visual


Contemporary Worship

10:30 AM - Sanctuary

This service invites worshippers to engage, both in person and digitally, in modern praise music, prayer, and practical application of the Word of God. Livestream and archived options are available on our website.

Praise Band

Do you play the guitar, drums, keyboard, or bass? Are you more of a singer? Have you ever thought. I’m Interested in joining the Contemporary Worship Praise Band, but I’m not sure who to contact? We would love to have you come meet the band and sing along with them! If and when you are ready- we will hold an audition!

Audio/ Visuals
